Adding products on the example of Amdoko

Adding products on the example of Amdoko

Adding products to an online store on the example of the Amdoko warehouse

Adding products to your online store is a key element of building sales. It is of great importance to the success of the store. This process requires special attention and diligence, because incorrect introduction of goods can lead to negative effects. Among them, we can mention such as incorrect orders, dissatisfied customers or loss of the store’s reputation.

If you want to learn more about product digitization based on the popular PrestaShop online store software, check out our article describing this solution from the theoretical side. On the other hand, from the current text you will learn how it looks from the practical side.

Summary of key information

PrestaShop is an online store management platform that offers tools to facilitate the procedure of entering goods. Thanks to them, an online store can be built with accuracy to detail. It translates into customer satisfaction and an increase in sales.

The importance of the catalog completion mechanism results from several key factors. Firstly, the precise presentation of data allows for the correct filtering of products. It makes it easier for customers to find the right items in the store.


In the absence or incorrect data, the product may be incorrectly assigned to the category or filtering. It discourages customers from browsing the store’s offer.

Another important aspect is data consistency. The online store should have consistent and standardized item data, such as names, descriptions, prices, and photos. This will allow for a uniform look and style of the store. It also will make it easier for customers to compare products.

Finally, the input process is also crucial for positioning your store in search results. Good data increases the chances that the product will appear on the first page of search results. In addition, they help customers find what they are looking for in the store. Ti also improve the consistency and aesthetics of the store, and affect positioning in search results. Therefore, it is worth spending enough time and attention on accurate data entry.

Preparation for the whole operation

Before starting to add products, you should first of all carefully plan and implement the category structure.


In addition, appropriate attributes and variants should be created if necessary. After that, it’s worth taking a look at the PrestaShop administration panel to understand how the system works. Another important step is to create attractive and engaging descriptions, including photos, specifications, price, delivery terms, etc. They should be as detailed and accurate as possible. This allows customers to be satisfied with their purchases in the store.

At the stage of preparing materials, it is necessary to decide how we will present our goods. There are two types of products in PrestaShop: without combinations and with combinations.

The former are simply individual products that only have one version. For example, if you sell t-shirts, the product without the combination will only have one size and one color. Combination products are those that have many different options that customers can choose from. For the previously mentioned T-shirts, this product with combinations will have many sizes and colors to choose from.

Customer-side combinations

The difference between the two is that products with combinations allow customers to more accurately match what they are looking for to their needs, which can increase the chances of making a purchase. At the same time, products with combinations require more work to create because you have to create a separate combination for each option.

Let’s start adding products

The first step will be to familiarize yourself with the panel used to add new items. If you are still considering which system to choose or you are just getting started with PrestaShop, the image below will give you an initial idea of what the place where new products are configured looks like.

Adding products

At this point, we start using the previously prepared data. The most important from the point of view of the system are the name and product code (single or combination). You can’t forget about tags, thanks to which it is easier for the customer to find the desired item. It is also worth spending time on creating descriptions. A short one, which appears in the product card right below the name, and the main one, which is displayed as “more information”. A properly presented article is definitely a better chance of selling.

In addition to the above-mentioned elements, undoubtedly another one that strongly distinguishes is the photo. We usually add a few to better illustrate the goods. Each can be additionally provided with a header to better describe the image.

There is one more element with which the customer will interact directly. In the case of products with combinations, these will be the said combinations.

Adding products with combinations

To be able to create combinations at all, we will need attributes. If we know what goods we are going to add, we build a catalog of attributes before starting work on creating new items. This will allow for much faster and more efficient work. It should be remembered that the more types of attributes a given product has, the more complicated it will be to build combinations. You can also use a generator, but it does not always give the intended effect.

Connections and functions, i.e. something that will help in filtering

Based on the previously prepared category skeleton, we can now assign a given product to specific categories. Let’s mark on the list we created the categories to which we want the product to belong and additionally select the default category and the manufacturer. From this tab, we can also select related products, i.e. elements that will be displayed in the product card and will be highlighted as something like “see more”.

In addition to linking, we can also define features, which gives even more possibilities when creating filters. We simply assign features to the goods that group them in a manner defined by us. In addition, they allow for additional options when filtering items in the general list. It is also worth preparing the features before starting the process of adding products to the online store.

@michalewitagroup Assortment digitization #ewitagroup #ecommerce #onlineshop ♬ presentation – TimTaj

What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. But is this the case with SEO?

There is no denying that the content displayed to the recipient is important. Unfortunately, many people often forget that in order for the reader to reach our materials at all, it is necessary to properly position the page on which the specific element is located. In a word, SEO content is often neglected. And it really doesn’t take much to make everything work properly.


Complete the required data in accordance with the art of creating positioning content. This rule also applies to the previously mentioned descriptions, which are then displayed in the product card.

What about the price and quantity?

In order to streamline the tedious and time-consuming process of replenishing prices and product stocks in a PrestaShop-based store, we have created a proprietary application that saves us a lot of time and work. A real magician doesn’t reveal his secrets, but if you are interested in making your life easier, contact me.

Adding products in PrestaShop for you

In this article, without going into details, I presented the process of completing the product catalog in PrestaShop on the example of the Amdoko online store. You can see how we could carry out a similar process in your store. In addition, we can provide you with application, which definitely facilitates the administration of added items in your store’s catalog. I encourage you to contact us – solutions are always selected individually for a specific case.

Do you need a professionally created product catalog in PrestaShop?

Leave it to the professionals – us!

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